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First Atlantic Nickel is committed to supplying North America and Western Europe with clean, responsibly sourced nickel, reducing dependence on Indonesia for nickel supply and processing, which is heavily controlled by China. The company's focus on awaruite nickel from its Atlantic Nickel property in Newfoundland offers significant environmental advantages over traditional nickel sources. The project's strategic location near a clean hydroelectric dam contributes to its low carbon footprint, along with the unique properties of awaruite that require less energy-intensive processing compared to other nickel ores.
In contrast to the environmentally damaging practices associated with nickel production in Indonesia, such as high-pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of laterite ores and smelting of sulfide ores, awaruite can be concentrated using simple magnetic separation and flotation techniques without generating toxic waste or sulfur dioxide emissions. Furthermore, awaruite deposits are often found in serpentinized ultramafic rocks containing brucite, a mineral that can naturally absorb and store carbon dioxide, providing an added environmental benefit.
First Atlantic Nickel is dedicated to leveraging the inherent advantages of awaruite to produce low-impact, high-purity nickel for the growing North American electric vehicle and stainless steel markets. By securing a clean nickel supply from its Atlantic Nickel project, the company aims to support the transition to a more sustainable future, without relying on environmentally damaging practices like HPAL processing of laterite ores or nickel processing in Indonesia. In doing so, First Atlantic Nickel is strengthening and securing the nickel supply chains of North America and Europe, reducing their vulnerability to disruptions and geopolitical risks associated with the current reliance on Indonesian nickel controlled by China.